Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hi everyone,

What we did was to record the actual dialogue in the movie scene and then to modify this transcript. So its shorter and there are no more vulgarities. 

We've also added different kinds of shots that were absent in the movie to experiment with their effects. 

So here's the script:


 EXT    Dark corridor, surroundings in a mess

 Scene 1: JOHN steps in cautiously and explores the area. He sees HANS on the floor. 


(cautious expression)

Hey there. How u doin’? 


(shocked & flustered expression)

You… you’re not one of them, are you? Are you? (Repeats) 


Wo wo wo Relax, relax. I’m not goin’ to hurt you…

I’m not going to hurt you! 


(panting heavily)

Oh God… 


What the hell are you doing up here?

What were you looking for? 


I…I was looking for help on the roof…

Since you’re here why don’t you come with me?

(points towards roof) 


Wo wo wo forget the roof… I said forget the roof!

They’ve got people up there…

(shot changes to show both)

Come on you wanna stay alive, stay with me…

Scene 2: Continuing the conversation. Starts with HANS CU. 


You don’t look like you’re going to kill me. 


I’m not one of them. I’m a cop from New York. 

CU HANS widens eyes. 


I’m John McClain. You are… 


Clay. Bill Clay. 

(New shot: workers name list, scrolling down, past B, C, without “Clay”) 

ECU JOHN narrows eyebrows.

Scene 3: JOHN exposes HANS identity. Starts with HANS in the background, deep focus. In this scene, the person being spoken to is focused on, unlike previous scenes. 


Know how to use a handgun, Bill? 

(As JOHN speaks, the gun rises into view into the centre of the shot, changes to shallow focus


Spent a weekend at the combat ranch.

Doesn’t that sound kinda stupid to you? 

JOHN walks towards HANS, offering gun. 


Time for the real thing, Bill…

All you gotta do is pull the trigger. Come on. 

FS of the gun as it passes. 

JOHN walks away, slowly shallow focus, focusing on HANS with gun


Scene 4: Exciting part! Starts with back shot of JOHN as he walks away slowly. 

(German from HANS) 

 HANS takes gun and points at J (NOT FILMED) 


Put down the gun…and give me my detonators. 


Wo wo wo… 

180 degree turn around the centre ending up showing JOHN’s (who turns around) back in FG and HANS with gun pointing at JOHN in BG 


You are Hans aren’t you? The bad guy. 


Put it down…now. 

(ECU, sweat on HANS’s face) 


It’s a bit tricky with that accent…got to be on bloody TV with that accent. 

(Change camera angle) 

What do you want with the detonators, Hans?

How do you use all the explosives? 


I’m gonna count to 3


Final shot: side view of both standing face to face with each other.

That's all for now.

From ppp