Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Film Treatment

The scene starts with Hans Gruber scouring the area, putting his gun down before jumping off a landing. As he lands on the ground, he realizes that standing before him is none other than John McClaine, the New York policeman who has been killing his comrades one by one.

Hans realizes that the man standing before him is indeed John by recognising his voice. To protect his identity, Hans fakes a Russian accent, lying that he actually works in the building and is merely trying to escape from the terrorists.

Hans and John introduce themselves to each other, chatting in a slightly tense manner. Finally, John gives a gun to Hans for his own protection, as a sign of trust. With a hidden gleam in his eye, Hans accepts the gun, and waits for John to turn his back before pointing the gun at Hans.

With a gun pointed at John, Hans threatens John, asking him to return the stolen detonator.

Scene Ends

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